[Spoiler Alert] Anjali determine to reach the Everest and Chand's sacrifice for his team .

Yet more more details Spoiler for StarPlus' Everest

✫ Monday January 12nd, 2015
The rescue team still at the 9th crevasse expresses mixed feelings to each other and the nature of Everest. The mood is pensive at the base camp also as Lisa, Khanna, Reena & Dr. Balan share their deepest thoughts and their viewpoints on the nature of Everest. Abhyankar discusses with the team and to Roongta’s belief they arrive at the decision to continue the mission. Jagat speaks to Khanna and orders him to send Anjali back, while Anjali trudges along Khumbu. Jagat speaks to Vikram and fixes a meeting to start the arrangements at the earliest. Maithili tells Vidhaan that they will now only meet once Anjali is back. Pemba and Raghu inform Khanna that they tried to find Anjali everywhere around the base camp but she was nowhere to be seen. Anjali crumbles and falls to her knees as she reaches the 9th crevasse and sees the dead body of Nima. She is losing her confidence to move on and when Abhyankar’s words of motivation ring in her ears and she starts preparing herself to cross the crevasse.
✫ Tuesday January 13rd, 2015
Anjali prepares herself to cross the crevasse. Aakaash is disgusted when Arjun asks him if he shot the falling of Nima as it would be a very dramatic footage for his documentary. Khanna’s son Vishal tells him that he hacked Khanna’s system and as he starts to tell Khanna what he found Khanna’s face starts to turn red. A furious Khanna confronts Roongta for tampering with his system. Roongta who is taken by surprise, play acts to cover up his act. Khanna who is sure intimidates him further and tells him that he will keep a keen eye on him now onwards. Khanna shares this with Abhyankar who is also baffled as to why Roongta would do such a thing and jeopardise the life of his own team. Shikha is glued to the television praying for Aakaash’s well-being while Seema has still not forgiven Aakaash. The ladder bridge shakes violently with every step and though Anjali does her best to keep balance the bridge eventually bends and warps dangerously and she topples letting out a loud scream. Far in the distance Aakaash reacts as if he heard something. Anjali struggles and finally makes it to the other side. Khanna updates Abhyankar that the weather is turning hostile again and the team cannot move further.
✫ Wednesday January 14th, 2015
 The team is unable to connect to Nasir and under the changing weather scenario Abhyankar and his team decide to abort the expedition. Abhyankar informs Khanna. As the news reaches Roongta, he rushes out of his tent and stops Reena who is recording this update. Vidhaan shares with his parents that he does not want to get married to Anjali as he feels that they are not the right match for each other. His father Vikram is upset and tells Vidhaan that the engagement is still a week away and he has got that much time to think. At Jagat’s house the Bhardwajs continue with the wedding discussions while Vidhaan tunes off consumed by his thoughts. Back in the trek, suddenly Abhyankar’s walkie crackles and its Nasir. Abhyankar and the team smile. Nasir updates his teams position to Abhyankar who tells him that they are coming to get him at the earliest and he should keep the faith. Abhyankar tells his team that he is going ahead to save Nasir and its up to each one of them if they want to join him. Starting with Aakaash everybody joins in. And once again the team is upbeat to go and save Nasir and his team. A determined Anjali moves ahead too.
 ✫ Thursday January 15th, 2015
The rescue team reaches Camp 1 but decides to move on considering their race against time to save Nasir. Roongta speaks to his business associate Porwal who threatens him that if he does not fulfil his financial commitments he will make sure that not just Roongta but his entire clan will be on the streets. Roongta tries his best to convince him and give him some more time as his man is on the way to summiting Everest. Arjun asks Aakaash about the equation between him and Anjali, Aakaash opens up and tells him that there is no future for them as Anjali will be getting married soon. While the Bhardwaj drive back home, Vidhaan suddenly asks for the car to halt and he gets off. Sarita opens the door and it is Vidhaan who asks Jagat if he can speak to him in private. Vidhaan pours his heart out to Jagat and tells him that he does not want to marry Anjali just for the sake of the friendship between him and his father. Jagat is also stumped and embarrassed when Vidhaan tells him that when he as a father does not love his daughter then how can he expect someone else to love her.
 ✫ Friday January 16th, 2015
Roongta and Arjun get into an argument as Roongta tries to pressurize him to make sure that he summits. An angry Abhyankar clarifies it once and for all to Roongta that it is a rescue mission only and not an Everest expedition. Vidhaan’s words resonate in Jagat’s ears as he walks back home. Shikha snaps awake from a bad dream and asks Seema to switch on the TV and is only relieved after he hears the news that the rescue team is doing well. The team ropes up and as it moves ahead, suddenly Chand’s eyes open wide in alarm and he asks Arjun not to move an inch as he stands on a block of hardened ice which is cracking. As he slowly tries to move away the crack gives way and to everyone’s horror the crevasse opens up. Arjun falls in it taking all the others who are tethered together, Abhyankar the only one managing to stop just at the edge. Though Abhyankar tries to pull everyone up but the weight of 6 people is too much to handle. To ensure that his team is save, Chand who is at the bottom decides to cut his rope and sacrifice his life and just then Anjali shouts out to him to STOP!!!

 ✫ Saturday January 17th, 2015
Anjali swings into action in a flash. She follows Abhyankar’s instructions and soon the team is miraculously saved. Everyone thanks Anjali for saving their lives. Abhyankar is not happy to learn that Anjali came alone as she could have easily lost her life. Anjali holds back her tears when Abhyankar tells her that she will have to go back from here. Everyone at the base-camp is shocked and relieved when Abhyankar informs them about how Anjali came and saved all lifes but decide not to give away this information to media as yet. Moments later, Abhyankar tells Khanna that Anjali is now a part of the rescue mission. Roongta helps Lisa by connecting her directly to her father’s doctor and takes the stress off her shoulder. Roongta asks Lisa why people are in a celebrative mood and in good faith she shares the news of Anjali with him which Roongta straight away gives away to the media. Sarita and Jagat’s jaw drops seeing this new development.
Everest On Star Plus, Monday-Saturday at 10.00 PM

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